laser eye surgery

The facts about ZEISS SMILE

ZEISS SMILE is an advanced laser eye surgery procedure. Using the ZEISS femtosecond laser, your surgeon can now correct myopia (near-sightedness) with or without astigmatism in a minimally invasive, flapless and bladeless procedure. ZEISS SMILE aims to eliminate or reduce your dependency on glasses or contact lenses!

Why choose ZEISS SMILE as your corrective eye surgery?

For most patients, once you are on the treatment table and prepared, the whole procedure on average takes 10 to 20 minutes per eye in total, including the removal of the lenticule. Your vision should stable within a few weeks after your ZEISS SMILE procedure.

What are the advantages of the ZEISS SMILE procedure?

Minimally invasive, faster recovery

ZEISS SMILE is a minimally invasive flapless and bladeless procedure, intended to correct near-sightedness with or without astigmatism. Your doctor creates a small opening that's around 4-6 mm. For comparison, with LASIK the surgeon creates a flap to access your cornea. This flap could be dislocated which can cause complications afterwards.

Schedule a consultation today and see if ZEISS SMILE may be the right choice for you.


Flapless procedure

ZEISS SMILE is a minimally invasive flapless and bladeless procedure where the small opening created is around 4-6 mm.


Faster recovery

Your vision should stabilize within a few weeks after your ZEISS SMILE procedure. Check with your doctor for your specific instructions and timings.


Less dry eye symptoms

Compared to femtosecond LASIK, fewer corneal nerves are disrupted with ZEISS SMILE, which may lead to fewer post-operative dry eye symptoms.

Smile Testimonial

Prakruthi Dhananjay


Smile Testimonial

Prachi Bharadwaj


Smile Testimonial

Laxmi Biswas

Principal Engineer

Smile Testimonial

My brother’s friend got this procedure done and that is how I came to know about it. I then started doing my research and I realized that the surgery time was very less. So, I decided to get ZEISS SMILE done for myself.”

My procedure was 3-4 mins, and by the next day itself I could see clearly. This has been a great experience. I play cricket as well; I am a bowler and my glasses used to fall off… this is a big change ”


28 Yrs., Software Engineer & Cricket Enthusiast
Smile Testimonial

“I have always had issues with using lenses and specs, as they don’t make me feel comfortable. So, I started exploring laser treatments, the counselor explained all the different surgeries and I felt that ZEISS SMILE is a better option for me as I am moving abroad very soon.”

“It's been one of my best decisions till date. I am very happy and I am asking my wife to also get the procedure done. The procedure was very quick. My vision is bright and clear now. ”

Gautam Nanjapa

32 Yrs., Banker
Smile Testimonial

"I am a dancer and spectacles were an inconvenience. Along with my costume and makeup it didn’t look good. That was the main reason for me to opt for a ZEISS SMILE procedure. I got to know about it from my friend who had undergone the same procedure and was very happy with it."

“At first, I was anxious, but the doctors are very competent and friendly, and I was given end to end guidance. I could see the change from the next day of the procedure. I had been wearing the spectacles from the last 5 years, it would fog up when I wore a mask or helmet to drive. Now I am not worried about any of this.”

Keerthi Lakshmi,

23 Yrs., IT Professional & Dancer
Smile Testimonial

"I have been wearing glasses from 12th standard due to various reasons. I had never decided, but I wanted to get rid of the glasses before I turned 40 and be free. I did some research online and talked to people who had got the procedure done. This gave me a lot of confidence to get the ZEISS SMILE procedure done, and I decided that this is the best process for me as it is minimally invasive."

Now, when I look at a clock and see the time clearly, I know the difference! I feel relaxed as I no longer carry lenses, solutions, or spare glasses. Now, I do all the underwater activities I have always wanted to try!

Ramay K,

37 Yrs., Software Engineer

ZEISS SMILE procedure

The three simple steps to correct your vision

On average, the laser portion takes approximately 30 seconds or less. For most patients, once you are on the treatment table the whole procedure, including the removal of the corneal tissue, generally takes 10 to 20 minutes in total. Before the procedure, the doctor will numb your eye with numbing drops and may offer you a mild sedative to help you relax throughout the procedure, ensuring your comfort. During the surgery, the ZEISS SMILE laser system corrects your refractive error by changing the shape of the cornea. This process reshapes your cornea by creating a contact lens shaped layer called a lenticule. The lenticule is removed through a small opening.

Find out how the ZEISS SMILE procedure works

ZEISS SMILE Eligibility

ZEISS SMILE is FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) approved and is a high-precision, flapless procedure that can correct myopia (nearsightedness) with or without astigmatism. If you are at least 18 years of age, have stable prescription which has changed no more than 0.50 diopters in the year before the surgery and have healthy eyes free from retinal problems, corneal scars or eye diseases and are currently not pregnant or nursing, you may be eligible for ZEISS SMILE laser eye correction. However, always talk to your eye doctor who will do a personalised vision and medical assessment to determine if ZEISS SMILE is the right procedure for you.

Find out more if and how ZEISS SMILE can correct your vision

Astigmatism and ZEISS SMILE

Astigmatism is a very common condition, leading to blurred vision that can cause headaches and eye strain. Astigmatism oftentimes comes together with other vision imparities such as far or near-sightedness. Talk to your doctor to learn it ZEISS SMILE applies in your case.

Find out more on Astigmatism and ZEISS SMILE

ZEISS SMILE facts & figures

Did you know that...


ZEISS SMILE has treated over 8 million eyes worldwide. As an FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) appetitive laser eye treatment, ZEISS SMILE might also be an option for you!

175 Years

Carl Zeiss has over 175 years of leadership innovation and is a pioneer in high-precision optics. Today, ZEISS produces award winning medical technologies, laser systems, precision lenses, eyeglasses and scientific optical systems.

30 Seconds

On average the laser portion takes approximately 30 seconds or less. For most patients, once you are on the treatment table and prepared, the whole procedure on average takes 10 to 20 minutes per eye in total, including the removal of the lenticule.

Find a ZEISS SMILE clinic near you!

Eye clinics offering the ZEISS SMILE procedure
To find out more about ZEISS SMILE and your personal suitability, don't hesitate to talk to an eye doctor that offers ZEISS SMILE. While many laser eye correction clinics and chains in India will offer a seemingly good price of laser eye surgery, they are not using the advanced ZEISS SMILE procedure. To find a clinic offering ZEISS SMILE near you, have a look at our clinic finder. Find a doctor or clinic near you

Frequently asked questions about ZEISS SMILE

Who is ZEISS?

You may know ZEISS from your last visit to the eye doctor, as ZEISS is a leading manufacturer of lenses and eyeglasses. ZEISS expertise also stretches to camera lenses and binoculars as well as observation and rifle scopes, In fact, ZEISS optics in the James Webb Space Telescope even allow humanity to see into the furthest reaches of the universe.

But the company is more than that. From its roots in Germany, the company now employs more than 35,000 people at 160 locations 50 countries. Research and development are undertaken in 27 specialist research and development facilities to ensure ZEISS in always at the forefront of technology.

What equipment is used during ZEISS SMILE laser eye surgery?

Your surgeon will use the latest ZEISS medical technology during your corrective eye procedure. The ZEISS VisuMax system contains a femtosecond laser which produces very fast and short-pulses from the infrared laser. Each laser pulse delivers a very precise burst of light, thereby reducing the potential for harm to any nearby, healthy tissue that must remain intact.

To help the surgeon do their job effectively, the ZEISS VisuMax also include in features high-quality ZEISS microscopes, digital cameras, advanced interactive touch screens and integrated illumination.

Are there risks to the ZEISS SMILE procedure?

As with all surgical procedures, you may experience side effects after your surgery. However, ZEISS SMILE has been designed to be as minimally invasive as possible. Unlike other laser eye correction procedures, your surgeon only needs to create a small opening in your eye and the upper layers of the cornea remain virtually unaffected. However, please contact your doctor for potential side effects, which may include disorders of the cornea, retina and other parts of the eye, visual disturbance or impairment and ocular pain.

How long will I need to recover?

Even though your vision will take a few weeks to stabilize, you may see a difference in your vision shortly after the surgery. However, it is recommended that you do not rub your eye and follow the instructions of your doctor with regards to post-operative medications and any restrictions. During the healing process, you may feel some minor discomfort, such as a foreign body sensation or some blurry vision while your eye is healing. Also check with your doctor for specific instructions regarding your personal recovery.

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